Hotel Accessibility Features
- There are accessible entrances to the hotel
- There are 3 accessible guestrooms
- There is an accessible elevator
- Services animals are allowed
- There is accessible van parking
- There is an accessible path to the check-in desk
- There are accessible paths to public guest areas and rooms
- The hotel has fire alarms for the hearing and visually impaired
- The hotel uses alternative text or large lettering for public signage
- There are accessible doorways to facilities and public spaces
- The pool has an accessible entrance
- There is an accessible business center
- There are 5 accessible self parking spots
- There are accessible valet parking spots
- There is an accessible fitness center
- Public access area ramps are non-slip
- Accessible parking spaces are closest to the accessible entrance
- There is space for accessible pickup and drop off under covered roofs
- Ramps longer than 6 feet and have sturdy railings on both sides